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My Werewolf Lover

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  Amira Press

  Copyright ©

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  My Werewolf Lover

  All rights reserved. Copyright © November 2007 Brenda Steele

  Cover Art Copyright © November 2007 Yvette A. Lynn

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.


  Amira Press, LLC

  Baltimore, MD

  We weren't allowed to mate with them, never to marry one of the creatures of the night. But I wasn't seeking a husband among the wolves, just a lover. The desire had haunted me ever since I'd gotten caught out after dark, in the Forbidden Woods and came upon an injured werewolf.

  He lay trembling on the ground, his hair matted with blood, obviously from an attack. It touched my heart to see him there, and I wanted to help. You see Elves, what I am, feel an affinity for all living things. We want to heal the world, as it were. But our leaders had warned us against going to the Forbidden Woods where the werewolves ran. They were savages, the elders said. And I believed it. But as a young Elf, I was curious about them.

  I had often seen the werewolves running with the wind beyond our magical barrier, just off in the trees. They were swift, darting along so fast, they were almost a blur. It was only by use of my magic that I sped up my ability to see them whoosh by. The thick brown pelts, the glowing yellow eyes and long sharp teeth hadn't frightened me ... much. It fascinated me. So I snuck out through the barrier regularly in hopes of meeting one of the magnificent creatures. Yet, for months, I had had no luck. They kept their distance.

  Then came that day when I stumbled on the injured werewolf. He looked no different than a regular wolf as I already described, except maybe bigger, with bulkier muscles and greater intelligence behind the intense eyes. But that wasn't what drew me to this specimen crumbled at my feet. It was when he began to change, his bones snapping and popping as they rearranged themselves into a human form.

  I jumped back away from him, but I couldn't take my gaze from the change. I was a virgin, had never had a lover and was promised to one of the Elven men in my village. Yet, as I looked on at the close-cropped brown hair, the full bottom lip with the tiniest of clefts in it and the strong jaw line, I knew I wanted more than just a glance at the werewolves. Inching closer in a squat on my hands and tiptoes, I let my hungry examination of the beast continue down over a butterfly spanned chest, tapering to a narrow waist and ... I caught my breath.

  I have brothers, so I'd seen a naked male before when my immature siblings had waggled their goods in my face, in an attempt to embarrass me. But as proud as the boys were of their jewels, they would cry in shame in comparison to the werewolf's cock. The thick long tool made my mouth water. I imagined that had I spanned it with my fingers, I would not have been able to close my hand completely around it.

  While I stood there admiring the creature's hard thighs and saluting cock, I heard the stomp of feet through the bramble. I knew I should run, back through my people's safety barrier, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. A wetness had already gathered in my panties, and I was squeezing a fist between my legs.

  Soon men with ears like dogs and extra hair along the edges of their faces broke through the trees. They all arrived sniffing the air, some as full wolf shape, some half human half wolf and some fully human. I knew that they had found their way to their comrade by picking up his bloody scent.

  As soon as they caught sight of me hanging over the felled wolf, they began growling in my direction, baring sharp teeth and laying back their ears. I threw up a barrier around myself, shaped into a transparent sphere. “I ... I didn't hurt him,” I whispered fearfully.

  Even still, I don't think they understood my language. Confusion lit in the yellow eyes. Some whined and inched cautiously toward me. That was when I noticed that all the werewolves in human form were naked. Their cocks were long, thick and erect. And that's when I knew that I would find a lover among them, a wild beast who would satisfy the craving that burned inside me.

  I stood up, allowing my protective shield to dissolve. As the werewolves lifted the injured man, the gash in his side spilling blood that should have killed a mortal man, I took a tentative step toward them. The growls stopped me.

  "I can heal him,” I offered. “Back at your den?"

  Wasn't I the clever one, thinking on my feet to get myself invited back to their home? If I was going to be able to heal the werewolf—and I was not sure that I could since I hadn't had much practice in that area of my powers—I could just as well do it here, on the edge of the Forbidden Woods and near my own home. However, I wanted to see where they lived, and naughty of me but I wanted to see if I could get a glimpse of them mating. Did they even have females? There were none in the pack that showed to claim the injured werewolf.

  When they didn't bother to answer, I took it upon myself to follow, a difficult task. The man beasts shifted as they strode. When four feet were on the ground, they began to run. Even using my magic to flit from tree limb to tree limb, keeping them in sight beneath me, I couldn't keep up with the pace. Soon I lost sight of the werewolves. And angry, horny and frustrated, I floated on the air to the ground. Tears wet my lashes.

  Chapter Two

  This little ritual of chasing after them happened day after day, not when they picked up the injured of their kind, but when I spotted them taking a drink at the river or resting in some other location. I tried so hard to make them understand what I wanted. My own body kept me returning to the woods even after three weeks without success. The vision of that first naked man in my mind.

  Finally, a day came when I was as close as before, jumping through the trees, close on their trail. But nothing and no one was faster or stronger than the werewolves, especially in their own territory. Out of breath, I dropped to the ground in defeat.

  I closed my eyes and leaned back against a tree. My body was on fire and there was no one to satisfy the need. My intended, whom I hadn't as yet accepted, would stick to our customs. He would not touch me or even visit with me until after the wedding. That could be months away. I needed fulfillment now, and I wanted to great big stiff rod of a werewolf!

  My foolish tears continued to flow down my cheeks until I heard the snap of a twig nearby. I jumped and opened my eyes to see a man standing before me. He was so tall. I bumped my head against the tree trying to look up at him. Though he stood less than an inch from me, I knew he was naked. And the scent, that earthy aroma—male and feral—told me he was of that wild race I had been warned about, the one I had been chasing.

  My heart pounded and my throat went dry with him so close. I wasn't sure if he knew what I wanted and was there to offer it to me, or if he planned to rip me to shreds. Flames heated my face when I became aware that the thing bumping against my belly was in fact his cock. My eyes widened in shock as I gazed into his eyes.

  He uttered something, a command maybe. I could no more speak his language than he could speak mine. As though mesmerized, I reached up to touch his face, but he drew back. And then in one rough movement, he hooked his fingers around the collar of my dress and tore downward.

  I squeaked in amaz
ement when the afternoon breeze tantalized my bare nipples. The werewolf's gaze dropped to the tightening dark pink buds. A tongue longer than any Elf's snaked out to lick his lips. It seemed hardly believable, but the wolf wanted me. I was going to have what I had been craving for so long.

  "What's your name?” I asked him.

  He didn't even attempt to answer. Rough hands grasped me by the hips and lifted me. He slung me over his shoulder and began walking deeper into the forest. I can't pretend that I wasn't afraid. I was, especially when he caught a hold of the tattered remains of my dress and tore it away from my ass. When my rear was bobbing for all the world to view as we traveled, he alternately stuck a finger inside my flowing cream and then trailed it back to my ass opening.

  I groaned and twitched on his shoulder, loving his touch, but wanting a little self-respect like walking under my own steam. The werewolf wouldn't be reasoned with, so I resolved to enjoy what I could. But then when he felt my anus was wet enough and his finger slick enough, with no warning, he plunged the finger inside my hole. I screamed and pleaded.

  "No, no. Stop!"

  But he continued in and out, over and over. I gasped and struggled against him. I didn't want to cum upside down, while being carried through the woods, but that's exactly what was happening to me. It hurt ... alot! But I came. My juices were flowing down toward his shoulder, mixing in the curly red hair at the apex of my pussy.

  The wolf laughed at me and flipped me around on his shoulder so that I was now facing forward, with my ass airing behind us. Angry that he had taken what I had not yet given to him, I decided that two could play that game. He could behave like some kind of caveman werewolf, but I was an Elf! We were not pushovers.

  Straightening my head so that I was looking down toward the ground, I saw that his still erect rod was bobbing close enough for me to play with it, unfortunately not close enough to take it into my mouth. I made do with tugging at the delicious looking appendage and teasing his balls beneath it. The sharp intake of breath above me let me know the wolf was enjoying my touch.

  I sucked on the tips of my fingers and stroked the head of his cock. When a bead of pre-cum bubbled up, I swiped it up and licked it from my fingers. Never had I imagined a man tasted like this. Never had I imagined it was okay to taste a man like this. I wanted so much more.

  As the brush thickened around us, and I continued to stroke him, hoping for more pre-cum, his fast clip slowed. I knew we were nearing his home. He finally stopped and flipped me around so that my body slid quickly down his own. His cock caught between my legs and an inch pushed inside me. I cried out in pain and fear, and he pulled back before setting me on my feet.

  'Drgeat.” He shook his head no as if I knew what he was talking about.

  "Well, I didn't tell you to be so rough. I've never been with a man, and you need to take that into consideration.” It was silly to argue with him, neither of us benefiting from it. He gave me another clipped command and pointed to a cave opening. It was dark in there, so I shook my head no and pointed to the soft grassy ground. “I'm not planning to stay longer than it takes for you to feed my hunger. So let's stop playing games, wolf."

  Chapter Three

  I grabbed onto his cock again, tugging him to a nice spot I had picked out. While I was making a show of being brave, I was actually terrified. He was really big, and something told me he knew nothing of taking a woman slowly. If the wolves did have women, I was almost certain they lost their virginity in a painful way.

  The wolf would not be led around by his dick, by a mere woman. He not only shook my hand from his cock, he encircled me with his arm and dragged me back against him. While I fought, other werewolves began exiting the cave. They surrounded us so that we stood in the middle of the small crowd. At least my question of women was answered. I figured the children, if they had any, were kept inside the cave. Beside each man stood a woman as naked as the day she was born.

  I was somewhat embarrassed, though not ashamed of my body. I had always thought my breasts were a nice generous size, my hips rounded, my belly flat. I was a tad on the diminutive side, but there were still the pluses to my figure. I had wavy red hair that extended half way down my back. Since I'd caught more than one Elf male admiring me as I strode by, I figured I was easy on the eyes.

  But looking around at the women in the wolf pack, I felt somewhat dowdy. Their breasts were bigger and perkier. I couldn't help but stare. They had long shapely legs, and apparently irresistible pussies, since their men's hands were not far. Some boldly thrust fingers in between their women's legs, stroking in and out absentmindedly. My face warmed at the sight. This had been a mistake. Who was I but a young Elf, out of her league and probably in danger among these beasts?

  The man that appeared to be the leader of the pack called out something to my wolf. The man at my side gave me a hand signal and uttered a command. I knew right away he wanted me to kneel in front of him. I didn't know what he planned exactly, but it was for sure I wasn't going to perform in front of all his people. Besides that, I didn't do well with commands, demonstrated by the fact that I often left my people's barrier behind to explore the woods.

  An argument among the werewolves ensued when I crossed my arms to refuse him. Their language was harsh and foreign to my ears. I tried to make out sounds, letters, anything that would help me to understand. Nothing was familiar. I only followed by their gestures, and the gestures were demanding that my wolf tame me. My suspicion was confirmed when he pushed me down to my knees by force. His strength was such that my knees had no choice but to buckle.

  I pressed my lips firmly together and turned my head to the side. With one hand on my shoulder and the other wrapped around his cock, he began to offer me a taste. I moved further away, hating that a dab of pre-cum had been caught in the slit again. I longed to lick it clean, to taste the salty liquid. But to give in to him meant he had power over me. I would not budge.

  My wolf was not deterred. He brushed the beautiful dark head over my lips, pushed lightly against my mouth. Everything inside me wanted to open to him, to give in. My mouth watered so that I had to swallow repeatedly.

  The small crowd chanted encouragement. The woman called out something to me, probably telling me to give in to my new master. I still refused. No Elf had ever mated with a werewolf. I had been crazy to come here, to desire what I should never have. If I were smart, I would cast a smell to transport myself through the second dimension until I slid out at the entry to my village. Problem was I didn't know the way back.

  In an attempt to make them think I had given in while I considered my options, I stuck out my tongue to sample his small head. When the tip was glazed and he was again panting, I took him an inch into my mouth. My jaws had to stretch wide to accommodate his girth, and I eased down and up several times.

  The taste of him made me so hot, I fingered my swollen button. Thoughts of running flew from my mind. I just wanted to swallow him whole. Allowing his cock to bump against my nose, I teased the underside with my tongue, inching lower until I reached his balls. I sucked on first one and then the other, plying them gently in my hands when I wasn't sucking.

  When I had left his poor neglected rod too long, my lover pulled back my head by my hair and pressed his head against my lips again. I considered biting him, but I'd noticed a certain tightening in his balls and I wondered if something wonderful was going to happen if I sucked him again. For years, I had been fingering my button, playing with my pussy at night. It stood to reason if my cream gushed over my fingers at the climax of my pleasure, then maybe males did the same. I wanted to find out. I wanted my werewolf lover to cum in my mouth more than anything.

  Deeper and deeper he slid into my throat. I was shocked to find how much of him I could take in. An Elf had skills I never knew existed. He tasted so good, I could eat him all day and all night. Soon he tucked both hands behind my head. His hips glided forward and back, sliding himself in and out of my mouth. His low growls frightened and excited
me. The wild beast was holding himself in check so that he wouldn't hurt me. And yet I craved that unbridled passion. If only I could handle it.

  When he came, I choked on the rush of warm salty liquid. It was thick and satisfying. After I caught my breath, I drank as much as he gave me, sucking hard for more when the flow ebbed. When dribbles escaped down my chin, I used the head of his dick to wipe them up just so I could lick them off him again.

  Too soon he was finished, but something odd was happening to me. The cheers and chatter around me was not so foreign anymore. I drew back and glanced around at the pack. My sight was unchanged. It was my hearing, or rather my understanding.

  Chapter Four

  My lover tilted back my head, his fingers still in my hair. “Do you understand me?"

  I gasped, eyes widening. “Yes, but how? And you know what I'm saying?"

  He nodded, but rather than explain to me what had just happened, he bent down and lifted me in his arms as one would a child. The wolf carried me away from the group, into the trees. I rested my head against the side of his, listening to the protests of his pack behind us. They wanted a show. My wolf was no longer willing to give it to them, and that was a relief. I didn't want anyone to see if I screamed too much because my first time was painful. And I knew from experience that I screwed up my face when I came. That was private.

  In an alcove surrounded by thick greenery that shielded us from prying eyes, he laid me down and knelt between my legs. I glanced down to find he was as hard as he had been before he came. My mouth watered for more.

  My lover, seeming to read my thoughts, reached out a hand to caress my bottom lip. His silky brown hair gave me a desire to run my fingers through it.

  "Don't worry, you will do that soon, when I am inside you."

  I gasped. “You read my mind? How?"